Free flow

The Free Flow toll system in one or more lanes is a system of automatic collection on roads and motorways that does not affect the normal flow of traffic when users cross the collection point.

It is easy to install and maintain so that provides low costs of operation. It guarantees the comfort and safety of the user andincreases the traffic capacity by reducing congestion.It is also one of the system providing less environmental impact since it reduces infrastructure and with this pollution.

The Tecsidel’s Free Flow solution currently dominatesmore than 60% of the market in Norway, being this country the pioneer of this technology in Europe. In addition, in Brazil, Tecsidel has been the first to introduce the variant of Free Flow known as Ponto a Ponto.

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  • Fully automated system.

  • Integration of three technologies: Laser, OCR, and DSRC.

  • Manages several lanes without the need for a physical separation.

  • Accurately track of the vehicle when overtaking, changing lane or queue situations (stop & go).

  • High performance in reading tags and the automatic license plate recognition.

  • Supports different classification models.

  • Reliable in situations of high and low speeds and under different environmental conditions.

  • Flexibility and adaptation.

  • Modular software.

  • Interoperable system.

  • Automatic generation of system quality indicators.

  • Preventive and corrective maintenance support.

  • Access and remote equipment diagnosis.


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