Tecsidel eSign is an advanced electronic processing tool designed in a modular way which covers each and every one of the needs of a City Council that wants to manage administrative procedures in electronic, all with the highest legal and security that gives the use of electronic certificates.
Tecsidel eSign allows you to standardize, simplify, automate, and streamline the internal management of local governments, as well as providing appropriate mechanisms so that citizens can make use of a fully electronic processing.
It is a very complete platform, which allows the customization required to adjust its operation to each organization.
{slider Functionalities|closed}
- Registration of entry and unique exit, face-to-face and online
- Electronic distribution of records.
- Processing of electronic records standardized (with workflow) and non-standardized (non-workflow).
- Automatic generation of documents from custom templates
- Manual processing through commissions.
- Relationship between records.
- Electronic signature of documents in the portafirmas and massive signature of documents..
{slider features}
- Multi-Organism: the system allows the definition of multiple processing agencies.
- Multiplatform: can be installed both on Unix/Linux platforms and on Windows platforms
- Flow of procedures: mode of processing with processing flow assisted or manual allocation of tasks
- Parameterization: greater flexibility in the parameters for each task: allows City Council to create their own procedures without programming.
- Citizen folder: allows you to start procedures, track their status, providing documents, verify electronically signed documents, make payments online...
- Flexible signature system: based on standard certificates X 509, multiple signatures support
- Interoperability systems
- J2EE open technology
{slider advantages}
- Saving time and reducing administrative costs
- Generation of the documents of the record with a single 'click'.
- Up to the 70% reduction in administrative work.
- Processing of more records with fewer resources.
- Reduction in the average processing time.
- Automation and increase legal security
- Disappearance of errors and misprints.
- It guarantees not forgetting any step in the proceedings.
- It facilitates the processes of adaptation of new personnel.
- Alerts and automatic notifications..
- Improvement of the use of the information
- Immediate access to a record.
- Audit full details of a record.
- Scorecard: statistics and indicators