Tecsidel IdM

To provide information to offer services via the internet or other electronic channels is necessary to identify the citizen.

Tecsidel IdM with City Hall can identify citizens with maximum guarantees of security and thus provide access to nominal services (access to personal data, folder citizen, processing, payments, etc.). In addition, it can also manage access to corporate applications public employees, all through the use of electronic certificates.

It's a completely safe and adaptable tool for validation of digital identities. Tecsidel IdM allows you to connect users of systems with their digital certificates, reducing the risks and costs of maintenance associated with identity management.

{slider-main Functionalities|closed}

A simple management tool allows you to define users, charges, organizational structures, methods of authentication, certification/validation authorities and applications and roles.

{slider users, posts and structure organizativa|closed}

You can define users, authentication methods (digital certificates, LDAP, ActiveDirectory, Open Directory, etc.), the accepted certificate authorities and applications on which digital identities will be managed through Tecsidel IdM.

{slider authentication methods}

It contemplates the possibility of giving access to users using username and password or digital, in addition to parameterize for each CA certificate, in which fields of the certificate is the information of interest to the different applications and other elements, as his method of inquiry of certificates (CRL, OSCP, etc.).

{slider applications - single sign on management}

The system allows to register corporate applications that you want to manage using Single SignOn. It enables the configuration and parameterization of some elements for each application. The configuration of the list of allowed CAs is also allows to access the application in question (security policy).


{slider-main features|closed}

{slider access centralizada|closed management}

The user is authenticated only once in the system. Once authenticated and transparently, Tecsidel IdM is responsible for subsequent authentications according to accesses that are taking place.

{slider integration}

Parametrically, you can manage the access of citizens and public servants to your applications using any X 509 digital certificate from the certification authorities that are declared reliable (DNIe, ANCERT, FNMT, ACCV, CATCert, CamerFirma, etc.).

{slider open implementation}

Based on standards that supports heterogeneous application environments.


{slider-main advantages|closed}

{slider Flexibilidad|closed}

It allows both digital certificate and username and password authentication. It also allows the use of any X 509 certificate from any authority of recognized certification (CA).

{slider profitability}

Thanks to Tecsidel Idm, City Council does not assume the costs and risks of managing users, since the system is integrated, fully transparently, with external certification authorities.

{slider security}

Allows you to manage the collective of citizens and the collective of civil servants. While the use of digital certificates issued by recognized certification authorities allows the City Council delegate to them the management of digital identities (high, low, losses, validation, availability, etc.).

{slider scalability}

It allows servicing from a departmental scope until populations of Internet with thousands of users.


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