Maintenance, the new challenge

Over the past years, toll and ITS solutions implemented brand new technological features for a new challenging toll collection and for increasing road safety; however, maintenance as a smart and sensible system solution has not been always taken into account. Maintenance management has become a key point for concessionaires, since toll & ITS operations involve time, logistics and costs. Tecsidel new challenge is Tecsidel Maintenance Management System Plus (TMMS+), in order to reduce time and costs, improving logistic without affecting the efficiency of each operation. TMMS + has been specifically designed for maintenance management of Tolling and ITS applications.

TMMS+ is a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) for the management of concessionaires’ maintenance operations and assets, tangible as sites and equipment or intangible as software tools for tolling or ITS. Major assets are equipment, such as tolling staff, ITS staff or hardware-software applications.

The main purpose of this computerised system is to obtain the maximum effectiveness in terms of time and logistics at works performed by maintenance ground staff. TMMS+ can assist maintenance staff defining which devices (based on a sophisticated algorithm) need preventive or corrective maintenance;  once work order is created the application addresses to the closest warehouses containing the spare parts or t tool needed. Thanks to the Geo-Location module of the system, it is possible to know the exact location of all assets and visualize them on a referenced map, reducing time needed to detect and solve  incidences.

TMMS+ is one of the most complete solution in the marketplace and it is composed of five management categories: corrective, preventive, predictive maintenance, asset and supply management. Each asset or supply comes with previous information for its identification, for instance: technical documentation, plans, metrics, purchases, guarantees, suppliers, stock, associated work orders.  Information that can be extended as much as the concessionaire requires.

The leading TMMS + solution is composed of the following modules:

  • Data Master

  • Work Orders

  • Asset Management and Geo-location

  • Supply Management

  • Installation Monitoring

  • Report Management

  • User Management

Data Master main module establishes the structure to follow, that is why it requires a clear definition of the main tasks and elements, although TMMS + is 100% configurable by the user and more tasks and elements can be added afterwards, depending on the concessionaire’s needs.

One of the TMMS+ key issues is creation, tracking and completing of work orders. For each work order, there will be a clear definition of the asset targeted for intervention, the task to be performed, the assigned operators, the materials to be consumed, and the necessary machinery, tools and vehicles to be used with the possibility to set the time required for each task and units to be consumed.

"Work orders" functionality module allows creating, tracking and completing all orders (automatically or manually), as well as updating the current activity carried out and the current time consumption and resources. In addition, a report can be obtained with the repair activities carried out.

The reports created by TMMS + are designed to give valuable information to the user. Thanks to these reports, the concessionaire is able to follow key details such as the resources and time required to maintain a specific asset, assets with most maintenance, total time spent on maintenance. Key details are configurable. All  information is paramount for decision taking. All reports are exportable to Excel or PDF formats, this allows making easier the integration with market ERP.

Furthermore, TMMS + system includes a mobile application that allows operators or maintenance personnel deployed in the field (toll plazas, roads, tunnels, bridges) to receive assigned work orders and to complete them while the work is being carried out, by means of a mobile terminal that automatically communicates with the Control Centre.

The functionalities of this state-of-the-art solution are:

  • Corrective Management: Creation of work orders when detecting an asset failure.

  • Preventive Management: Daily, weekly, monthly and annual programs of work orders to be executed in the future in order to review an asset status.

  • Predictive Management: Generation of automatic alarms by setting some metrics or limits of any real-time record related to an asset.

  • Ticketing: Ticket management system with tracking and status control.

  • Asset Management with Geo-location: Assets can be located in their exact position on a geographic map, by means of a customizable iconography (asset is represented by an icon with summary information and a balloon with detailed information).

  • Management of spare parts and materials with location.

  • Tracking of Guarantees.

  • List of suppliers.

  • Purchasing history.

  • Users and Profiles Management.

  • General and detailed reports and Historical Reports of Activities, Dedication, Consumption, etc.

TMMS + can be organized in different application environments, according to the features and concession needs: ITS / Tolling, Electrical Equipment / Infrastructures, A Branch / B Branch, etc. The TMMS + application can be organized in different concessionaires, each one will have its own masters, assets, supplies, users and independent maintenance management.

TMMS+ offers the ability to monitor vital system components that can generate automatic alarms and events. These components may include:

  • ITS Systems Equipment: Traffic Lights, Variable Message Signs (VMS), Lane Controls Sign (LCS) Incident Automatic Detection (IAD), Ventilation, traffic counters (ATCC), Lighting, all electro mechanic tunnel systems, etc.

  • Toll Systems Equipment: Lasers, Barriers, Antennas, Treadles, Loops, OCR, Automatic Payment Machines, control cabinets, etc

  • Hardware-Software applications: Memory usage, CPU, disk space availability, server performance, database efficiency, etc.

Thanks to the integration with an external monitoring tool, the system allows monitoring and notifications for alarms and events, generated by devices via SNMP messaging. TMMS + provides an open web-based interface for receiving and managing Alarm / Event messages configured on the system. This external tool is a completely Open Source Network Monitoring System, with tracking capabilities of status, faults, performances and variable SLAs of the different computers connected to the network.

Tecsidel offers a comprehensive 24/7 support to the system that allows treating anomalies with the greatest possible agility, by having a technical staff of different profiles and levels available all the time and making a remote real-time monitoring of all the system applications supporting operations. TMMS+ is 100% customizable, allowing configuration of all parameters and evolving according to the concessionaire needs.